On the fourth Sunday of most months the church of St Faith's Havant welcomes choristers from local choirs to join in Evensong. This section will sometimes contain practice files for some of the harmony items.
This music is expected to be sung on 28th July 2024
Please note that this is strictly for practice, and you may not always hear a particularly pleasant sound, and there will be no dynamics.
Sometimes there are solo parts alongside the choral parts. In this case they will always be heard on both channels.
Before unaccompanied pieces, or pieces starting with no piano intro, to strike the rhythm for the singer, two extra bars are inserted at the beginning. The first bar contains the initial note of the part on each beat of the bar, and the second bar is empty. However the bar numbers of the MIDI file should always match the score.
If you are using Windows, depending on your browser settings, the file may play at once with QuickTime, or with MediaPlayer. If you have a Mac, your file will probably be read into to your "Downloads" folder, and you can click on it from there to play it with you default music player
Title of Piece | Composer | Versions for each part | Youtube? | Score? | ||||||||||
Magnificat in F | George Dyson | Sop | Alt | Ten | Bass | 0.0 | Score | |||||||
Nunc Dimittis in F | George Dyson | Sop | Alt | Ten | Bass | 0.0 | Score | |||||||
Rejoice the Lord is King | Malcolm Archer | Sop | Alt 1 | Alt 2 | Ten | Bass | 0.0 | Score | ||||||
Preces and Responses - 4 part | William Smith | Sop | Alt | Ten | Bass | Score | ||||||||
How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds | Sop | Alt | Ten | Bass | Score | |||||||||
Alleluia, Sing to Jesus | Sop | Alt | Ten | Bass | Score | |||||||||
Psalm 74, v 13-18 See note | Sop | Alt | Ten | Bass | Score | |||||||||
If you wish to address midi files from the Whole Works section, or files used for previous concerts click the item identified below, or choose the option to access all files.